// Meeting con Susana Nobre

16 DIC.
12.00 h.
Casa das Campás


Susana Nobre, cineasta, guionista e produtora lisboeta que protagoniza o FOCO desta edición, completará a súa presenza na nosa cidade mediante un encontro no que reflexionará sobre aqueles factores que determinan a xénese e posterior desenvolvemento dos seus proxectos. Nobre focalizará unha parte significativa da súa intervención conversando sobre Cidade Rabat, a súa sexta longametraxe, actualmente en fase de montaxe, e compartindo imaxes inéditas da mesma co noso auditorio.

Susana Nobre (1974, Lisbon) holds a degree in Communication Sciences from the Universidade Nova of Lisbon. She took a Filmmaking course with the collaboration of The London Film School, within the scope of the Creativity and Artistic Creation Program of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Nobre belongs to the production company Terratreme since 2006 where she made the films Jack’s Ride (2021), Ordinary Time (2018), Tracking the Naturalists (2016), Trials, Exorcisms (2015), Active Life (2013), Lisbon-Province (2010) and Daycare Hospital (2003). Her films have been screened at several international festivals such as the Berlinale (Forum), Cannes (Quinzaine Des Réalisateurs), IFFR Rotterdam, Angers, Viennale, Vila do Conde, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, etc. Along with her activity as a filmmaker, Nobre also worked in the production of films by directors such as João Rosas, Basil da Cunha and Pedro Peralta, among others. She is currently in the post-production phase of her latest feature film, Cidade Rabat.