the trouble with nature


O problema coa natureza | El problema con la naturaleza

Denmark, France | 2020  | 95′ | Color | GALICIAN PREMIERE

Dirección/Direction: Illum Jacobi. Guión/Script: Hans Frederik Jacobsen, Illum Jacobi. Fotografía/Cinematography: Frederik Jacobi. Montaxe/Editing: Alexandra Strauss. Música/Music: Danny Bensi, Saunder Jurriaans. Son/Sound: Adrian Aurelius. Intérpretes/Cast: Antony Langdon, Nathalia Acevedo. Produción/Production: Illum Jacobi, Xavier Rocher, Marina Perales Marhuenda, Katja Adomeit. Produtora/Production Company: La Fábrica Nocturna.

The year 1769. In this 18th road movie, the philosopher Edmund Burke has fled London, debt collectors and a ramping midlife crisis to go on a grandtour of the Alps to rewrite his book A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful.


IFFR Rotterdam 2020. Brigth Future Competition.

With a background in mountaineering and long arctic expeditions, Jacobi worked as a high altitude cameraman before launching his own expeditions. He studied Cinematography at the Den Danske Filmskole and began to make films with scientists and artists studying our relationship to nature. His personal film projects are based on his own experiences in the wilderness. The Trouble With Nature is his first film.