

Fortress | Fortaleza

Italy | 2019 | 72’| Color | GALICIAN PREMIERE

Dirección/Direction: Ludovica Andò, Emiliano Aiello. Guión/Script: Ludovica Andò and Emiliano Aiello. Fotografía/Cinematography: Stefano Tria. Fotografía Aérea/Aerial Photography: Daniel Gerlich. Montaxe/Editing: Luca Bellino. Música/Music: Andrea Pandolfo. Son/Sound: Riccardo Valeriani, Mario Schöning Marzia Cordò, Giancarlo Rutigliano, Stefano Grosso, Valeria Angelini. Intérpretes/Cast: Compagnia Addentro (Civitavecchia Prison). Produción/Production: Ludovica Andò and Emiliano Aiello. Produtora/Production Company: Compagnia AdDentro/Associazione Sangue Giusto, CPA-Uniroma3, Regione Lazio Direzione Regionale Cultura e Politiche Giovanili Area Arti Figurative, Cinema, Audiovisivo e Multimedialità.

Three soldiers arrive at a solitary military garrison which no longer serves any defensive function. Here time is at a standstill and is marked by strict regulations, power dynamics, engrained idleness and habits. Waiting in vain for an enemy that will not arrive, military officers are consumed by, on the one hand, the need to give their stay a meaning and, on the other hand, the need to resist the attraction this place holds on them.


Festa del Cinema di Roma 2019.

FIC Laceno D’oro 2019.

IFR Rotterdam 2020. Perspectives.

Ludovica Andò is a theatre director and an educator. Her career begins as an actress and performer and she worked in Paris for several years devoting her time primarily to directing. After some years, she decided to come back to Italy in order to dedicate herself to projects that employ cinema and theatre as tools in complex environments. Fortezza is her first movie.

After a degree in Filmology Emiliano Aiello started working as a director and as editor for the Audiovisual Production Center of the Roma Tre University. In 2013 he made the short-documentary Opera per Cantalupo (2013), about the work of the artist Paolo William Tamburella. In 2018, the medium-length documentary Il sogno dei Omero (2018), a journey into the dreams of the blind from birth, winner of the best documentary at the Rome Independent Cinema Festival.