Novos e fermosos | Jóvenes y bonitos

13 December | 12:30h | Teatro Principal 

Spain | 2018 | 72’ | Color | DCP | GALICIAN PREMIÈRE

Dirección/Direction: Marina Lameiro. Guión/Script: Marina Lameiro. Fotografía/Cinematography: Marina Lameiro. Montaxe/Editing: Diana Toucedo. Son/Sound: Jordi Ribas, Marina Lameiro. Intérpretes/Cast: Poti, Nais, Ione, Das. Produción/Production: Marina Lameiro.

Poti, Nais, Ione and Das are young Spanish adults that live on their own terms. But as they approach their thirties, a profound unease overruns them: they are still far of being the independent, self-confident and passionate adults they always dreamt to be. While society pushes them to abandon their aspirations, each has to examine identity through dialogue.

Young & Beautiful is the polyhedric portrait of a generation accused of not wanting to grow-up; a generation which has been cornered to accept a hopeless world and a country in crisis, in which it has been announced that the one way to survive is to abandon dreams.



Festival Punto de Vista 2018   Premio del Público
Alcances 2018
Márgenes 2018


Marina Lameiro (Iruñea, 1986) has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the URJC. In 2012 he joined the IDEC-UPF Creation Documentary Master, where he has the opportunity to work with the Russian director Victor Kossakovsky and the Polish director Marcel Lozinsky. In 2013 he specializes in the field of assembly, doing a postgraduate course at the same university. During 2014 and 2015 he is a resident artist at UnionDocs in New York City.