Thirty souls | Treinta almas

12 December | 21.30h | Teatro Principal 


Spain | 2018 | 80’ | Color |  DCP

Dirección/Direction: Diana Toucedo. Guión/Script: Diana Toucedo. Fotografía/Cinematography: Lara Vilanova. Montaxe/Editing: Ana Pfaff, Diana Toucedo. Música/Music: Sergio Moure de Oteyza. Son/Sound: Oriol Gallart. Intérpretes/Cast: Alba Arias, Samuel Vilariño. Produción/Production: Cristina Bodelón. Produtora/Production Company: LASOGA FILMS.te.

Alba is twelve years old and wants to discover the mysterious, fascinating and unknown reality of death. With her best friend Samuel, she enters abandoned houses, travels through forgotten villages and explores remote mountains that hide another parallel world. Hers is a journey to reveal the unexplainable conflict between the living and the dead.



Berlinale 2018 Panorama – World Premiere

Málaga Film Festival  2018  Zonazine

D’A Barcelona 2018 Critic’ Prize


Galician editor and filmmaker, Diana Toucedo (Redondela, 1982) lives in Barcelona, ​​where she develops her projects and works as a teacher (ESCAC, UAB). She has edited, among others, the feature films La noche que no acaba (Isaki Lacuesta, 2010) and The Fifth Gospel of Gaspar Hauser (O quinto evanxeo de Gaspar Hauser. Alberto Gracia, 2013). Her short films have been screened at numerous film festivals and art centers. In 2015 she directed the documentary feature En todas as mans. His debut feature film, Trinta Lumes (Thirty Souls), was premiered at the Berlinale 2018.