España | 2017 | 23’ | Cor
Dirección/Direction: Luis López Carrasco. Guión/Script: Luis López Carrasco. Fotografía/Cinematography: Ion de Sosa. Montaxe/Editing: Luis López Carrasco, Sergio Jiménez. Son/Sound: Manolo Marín, Jorge Alarcón. Intérpretes/Cast:Tesa Arranz. Produción/Production: Luis López Carrasco. Produtora/Production Company: Luis López Carrasco.
“This world has always seemed to me to be somewhat strange, somewhat alien to all of my emotions”. Tesa Arranz, a key figure in the 1980s Madrid scene and the lead singer of the Zombies, has painted over 500 portraits of outer-space creatures.
Dokufest 2019. Shorts Section. Best Shortfilm.
FIDOCS (Santiago de Chile) 2019. Jury´s Mention.
CineSpaña Toulouse 2019. Prix du Meilleur Court-Métrage.