Comeza e termina  | Were it to Begin and Cease

 29 June | 12:00h | Museo de Pontevedra | WORLD PREMIERE | Free entrance until complete capacity
Q&A with the director

Spain, Chile | 2017 | 62′ | Colour

Dirección e Produción/Direction & Production: Bruno Delgado Ramo. Fotografía e Son/Cinematography & Sound: Irene Cámara, Bruno Delgado. Montaxe/Editing: Gadea Burgaz, Bruno Delgado. Intérpretes/Cast: Manuel Bouzas Barcala, Clara Dios Díez, Aquiles, Andrés Muñoz Cárcamo, Justo Díaz Diego, Gadea Burgaz Andrés, Pedro Toro Fernández, Amaia Sánchez, Germán Andrés Chacón, Iker Ruiz-Apilanez.

A memory: two quotes, one by Farocki and one from Huillet-Straub’s Mallarmé, three days before leaving Santiago de Chile.



Bruno Delgado Ramo started filming in Seville. Since then he has shot and edited several short films on video. In 2017 he released his first feature film, Comienza y termina (Were It to Begin and Cease), shot in Santiago de Chile. Delgado, who is currently working on a film on X. de Maistre’s Journey Around My Room, is part of an ongoing a research project focusing on the relation between cinema and windows.