White on white
Wednesday 11 21.30h. Teatro Principal
España, Chile | 2019 | 100’ | Color
Dirección/Direction: Théo Court. Guión/Script: Théo Court, Samuel M. Delgado. Fotografía/Cinematography: Jose A. Alayón. Montaxe/Editing: Manuel Muñoz Rivas. Música/Music: Jonay Armas. Son/Sound: Carlos E. García. Intérpretes/Cast: Alfredo Castro, Lars Rudolph. Produción/Production: Jose A. Alayón, Giancarlo Nasi. Produtoras/Production Companies: El Viaje Films, Quijote Cine.
In the prelude to the twentieth century, Pedro arrives in Tierra del Fuego, a violent, unforgiving place, to photograph the wedding of a powerful landowner named Mr Porter. His future wife, still a child, becomes an obsession for Pedro. In an attempt to capture her beauty he betrays the forces of power that dominate these lands. His betrayal is discovered and he is punished. Unable to escape, Pedro is instead forced to become a complicit participant in a new society being, built through the genocide of the Selknam people.
76th Venice Mostra IFF – Best Director Prize, ORIZZONTI. FIPRESCI Award.
FICX 2019 (Gijón)
Born from Chilean parents, Théo COURT (1980) grew up in Spain and Chile. He started an education in photography in Madrid. In 2004, he graduated in Directing at the International School of Film and TV in Cuba. He developed the script of his first feature film, Ocaso, with the support of IFFR’s Hubert Bals Fund. Blanco en blanco, his second feature film premieres in the Orizzonti Section of the Venice Film Festival, where he won the Lion for Best Direction and the FIPRESCI (International Federation of the Cinematic Press).